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product yzf series commercial refrigerated cake showcase electric motor ac shaded pole fan motor-41

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Yzf seriyali tijorat sovutgichli kek vitrinasi elektr motori AC soyali qutbli fan motori

  • O'xshash mahsulotlar



Introducing the Yzf Series Commercial Refrigerated Cake Showcase Electric Motor! This top-of-the-line motor is designed to keep your cakes and pastries fresh and delicious while enhancing the presentation of your sweet treats.


The Yzf Series motor is specifically built for commercial refrigerated cake showcases, ensuring that your desserts are kept at the perfect temperature for maximum freshness. With a durable and reliable shaded pole fan motor, this product offers efficient cooling performance for all your baked goods.


Whether you own a bakery, cafe, or restaurant, the FENG YIN Yzf Series motor is the ideal solution for showcasing your desserts in style. The powerful motor ensures even air circulation throughout the showcase, keeping all your cakes and pastries at an optimal temperature.


Not only does the Yzf Series motor provide exceptional performance, but it is also incredibly easy to install and operate. Simply connect the motor to your refrigerated cake showcase and enjoy the benefits of consistent cooling for your desserts.


Designed with the customer in mind, the FENG YIN Yzf Series motor is built to last, offering long-lasting durability and reliability. With this high-quality motor, you can trust that your desserts will always be presented in the best possible way.


In addition to its functionality, the FENG YIN Yzf Series motor boasts a sleek and modern design that will complement any commercial kitchen or bakery setting. Its compact size makes it easy to integrate into your existing refrigerated cake showcase, without taking up valuable space.


 The FENG YIN Yzf Series Commercial Refrigerated Cake Showcase Electric Motor is the perfect solution for businesses looking to showcase their desserts in style. With its powerful performance, easy installation, and durable design, this motor is a must-have for any establishment that values high-quality presentation and freshness of their baked goods. Upgrade your refrigerated cake showcase today with the FENG YIN Yzf Series motor and take your dessert presentation to the next level!


Mahsulotlarni tavsiya eting
bizning afzalliklari
OEM-haqiqiy zavod

Biz haqiqiy zavodmiz
17+ yillik motorlar ishlab chiqarish tajribasi

Yillik ishlab chiqarish 4 million dona
ODM-professional texnik guruh

Sizning har qanday xususiylashtirish ehtiyojlarini qondirish uchun bizda professional texnik guruh mavjud
Harorat ko'tariladi

lower than the international standard 75K, is no more than 55K
Chang qoplamalari va termal himoya vositalari

Bizning motorlarimiz chang qoplamalari va termal himoya vositalari bilan jihozlangan bo'lishi mumkin
To'liq aksessuarlar

Fan pichog'i / qo'llab-quvvatlash / gardish / to'rli korpus
Kam MOQni qo'llab-quvvatlang

Low MOQ (100PC) 
Bepul namuna

Biz bepul namunalarni taqdim etamiz
Tez namuna

3 kun ichida yetkazib berish
Yaxshi xizmatlar
Come to visit the factory, full service (pick up at the airport, free meals) 
Yaxshi xizmatlar
Come to visit the factory, full service (pick up at the airport, free meals) 
2 yillik kafolat.
20000+ ish muddati, 2 yillik kafolat
product yzf series commercial refrigerated cake showcase electric motor ac shaded pole fan motor-54
Mahsulot nomi 
Tijorat muzlatgichli soyali ustunli fan motori 
Himoya klassi
Sotishdan keyingi xizmat
Qaytish va almashtirish
2 yil
AM. Harorat
-30 ~ + 50 ° C
Blade materiali
Zanglamaydigan po'lat
muzlatgichlar, muzlatgichlar, vino shkaflari, yangi saqlash uchun shkaflar, radiatorlar, evaporatorlar va boshqa sovutish uskunalari
Aksessuarlar / o'rnatish usuli
qo'llab-quvvatlash, alyuminiy fan pichog'i, plastik fan pichog'i, gardish, to'rli korpus
product yzf series commercial refrigerated cake showcase electric motor ac shaded pole fan motor-55
Mahsulot tavsifi:
1. Ushbu Tijoriy Dondurucu Shaded qutbli fan motori xavfsizlik, ishonchlilik, past shovqin kabi afzalliklarga ega. kichik tebranish, mukammal boshlash ko'rsatkichi va uzoq xizmat muddati
2. This  Commercial Freezer Shaded pole fan motor is applicable to refrigerators, freezers, wine cabinets, fresh-keeping cabinets,
radiators, evaporators, and other refrigeration equipment. 
3. Ushbu Tijoriy muzlatgichli soyali qutbli fan motorining chiqish liniyasi spetsifikatsiyasi va o'lchami "L"
may be produced according to the user requirements. 
Foydalanish bo'yicha ko'rsatmalar:
Ishlash tartibi: S1
Atrof-muhit harorati: -30 ℃ ~ + 50 ℃
Izolyatsiya darajasi: moslashtirish
Himoya klassi: moslashtirish

product yzf series commercial refrigerated cake showcase electric motor ac shaded pole fan motor-56
product yzf series commercial refrigerated cake showcase electric motor ac shaded pole fan motor-57
product yzf series commercial refrigerated cake showcase electric motor ac shaded pole fan motor-58
product yzf series commercial refrigerated cake showcase electric motor ac shaded pole fan motor-59
Paket va etkazib berish
product yzf series commercial refrigerated cake showcase electric motor ac shaded pole fan motor-60
product yzf series commercial refrigerated cake showcase electric motor ac shaded pole fan motor-61
Corrugated grill / Bubble protection. Corrugated external package. Straps for fasten. Pallet with PP bag
Quantity: 24 PCS / 12PCS. Net Weight: 19KGS. Gross Weight: 20KGS Dimension: 45 * 34* 23 cm
Tovarlaringiz xavfsizligini yaxshiroq ta'minlash uchun professional, ekologik toza, qulay va samarali qadoqlash xizmatlari ko'rsatiladi
Kompaniya Profili
product yzf series commercial refrigerated cake showcase electric motor ac shaded pole fan motor-62
 Hangzhou Fengyin Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 2005 yilda tashkil etilgan bo'lib, Ar-ge va sotishni birlashtirgan. Bizning kompaniyamiz 10000 kvadrat metr maydonni egallaydi. Bizning boy tajribamiz va mehnatsevar va mehnatkash xodimlarimiz bilan biz har xil turdagi mijozlarning turli talablariga javob bera olamiz. Bizning ishlab chiqarish quvvatimiz yiliga 4000000 dona. Biz asosan soyali qutbli motorlar bilan shug'ullanamiz va mahsulotimiz jahon bozorlarida yaxshi sotiladi. Biz har bir partiya/mahsulot uchun sifat nazoratini amalga oshiramiz. Biz sizga xizmat qilish uchun qo'limizdan kelganicha harakat qilamiz va sizning do'stlaringiz va biznes sheriklaringizdan biri bo'lishga umid qilamiz
product yzf series commercial refrigerated cake showcase electric motor ac shaded pole fan motor-63
product yzf series commercial refrigerated cake showcase electric motor ac shaded pole fan motor-64
product yzf series commercial refrigerated cake showcase electric motor ac shaded pole fan motor-65
product yzf series commercial refrigerated cake showcase electric motor ac shaded pole fan motor-66
product yzf series commercial refrigerated cake showcase electric motor ac shaded pole fan motor-67
product yzf series commercial refrigerated cake showcase electric motor ac shaded pole fan motor-68
Nima uchun bizni tanlashimiz kerak
product yzf series commercial refrigerated cake showcase electric motor ac shaded pole fan motor-69
product yzf series commercial refrigerated cake showcase electric motor ac shaded pole fan motor-70
product yzf series commercial refrigerated cake showcase electric motor ac shaded pole fan motor-71
product yzf series commercial refrigerated cake showcase electric motor ac shaded pole fan motor-72

Q: Are you a manufacture or trading company?/Who are we

A: We are a professional motor manufacture for 17 years. /
    Biz Xitoyning Zhejiang shahrida joylashganmiz, 2007 yildan boshlab, motor ishlab chiqarish sohasida 17 yildan ortiq tajribaga egamiz.
2-savol: Sifatni qanday kafolatlay olamiz?
Javob: Ommaviy ishlab chiqarishdan oldin har doim ishlab chiqarishdan oldingi namuna; Yuk tashishdan oldin har doim yakuniy tekshirish;
3-savol: Bizdan nimani sotib olishingiz mumkin?
A: Shaded Pole Motors, Condenser Fan Motors, Cooling Fan Motors, Fan Motors For Refrigerators, Freezer Fan Motors
4-savol. Nega boshqa etkazib beruvchilardan emas, bizdan sotib olishingiz kerak?
High quality certificates approval; Professional shaded pole motor, Delivery In Time. Competitive Price.
5-savol. Biz qanday xizmatlarni taqdim eta olamiz?
Qabul qilingan yetkazib berish shartlari: FOB, CFR, CIF, EXW; Qabul qilingan to'lov valyutasi: USD, CNY;
Accepted Payment Type: T/T, L/C, PayPal, Western
Union, Escrow; Language Spoken: English, Chinese, Spanish

 Biz bilan bog'lanish

product yzf series commercial refrigerated cake showcase electric motor ac shaded pole fan motor-73

Bepul taklif qiling

Bizning vakilimiz tez orada siz bilan bog'lanadi.
kopmaniya nomi

Bepul taklif qiling

Bizning vakilimiz tez orada siz bilan bog'lanadi.
kopmaniya nomi