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Soyali plole dvigateli

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Shaded Pole Fan Motor Free Sample /High Quality Commercial Freezed Single Phase Ac Freezer Parts/ Refrigerator Spare Parts

  • O'xshash mahsulotlar



Introducing the Shaded Pole Fan Motor - the perfect solution for all your commercial freezer and refrigerator needs. This high-quality single phase AC freezer part is designed to keep your appliances running smoothly and efficiently.


With the FENG YIN Shaded Pole Fan Motor, you can rest assured that your freezer or refrigerator will stay at the optimal temperature to preserve your food and beverages. The durable construction of this motor ensures long-lasting performance, saving you time and money on replacements.


As an added bonus, we are offering a free sample of the FENG YIN Shaded Pole Fan Motor so you can see the quality and reliability for yourself. With this free sample, you can experience firsthand the difference that a top-notch motor can make in keeping your appliances in top working condition.


Whether you are in the food service industry or simply looking to upgrade your home appliance, the FENG YIN Shaded Pole Fan Motor is the perfect choice. Trust in the brand that is known for quality and durability in commercial freezer and refrigerator spare parts.


Don't settle for subpar motors that can leave you with spoiled food and costly repairs. Upgrade to the FENG YIN Shaded Pole Fan Motor and experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your appliances are in good hands.


Say goodbye to unreliable motors that can't keep up with the demands of your busy kitchen or home. The FENG YIN Shaded Pole Fan Motor is the solution you've been looking for. Order your free sample today and see the difference for yourself.


Mahsulot tavsifi
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mis  o'rash yoki aluminiy simni o'rash
Muzlatgich, muzlatgich, yangi saqlash shkafi va boshqalar
Himoya klassi
Paket va etkazib berish
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Gofrirovka qilingan panjara / Pufakdan himoya qilish
Gofrirovka qilingan tashqi paket
Bog'lash uchun kayışlar
PP paketli pallet
Miqdori: 24 dona / 12 dona
Sof og'irligi: 19KGS
Brüt Og'irligi: 20KGS Hajmi: 45 * 34 * 23 sm
Kompaniya Profili
2007 yilda tashkil etilgan, Hangzhou Fengyin Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Xanchjouning Syaoshan tumanida (Chjejiang) joylashgan
Bizning kompaniyamiz mavjud yillik ishlab chiqarish quvvati 4000000 mikromotor, va mikro motorlarni tadqiq qilish, ishlab chiqish, ishlab chiqarish va sifatini nazorat qilish bilan shug'ullanadigan professional jamoaga egalik qiladi.
Mahsulotlar CCC va Idoralar kabi ko'plab sertifikatlarga ega
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Savol: Siz ishlab chiqaruvchi yoki savdo kompaniyasimisiz?
Javob: Biz 17 yildan beri professional motor ishlab chiqaruvchimiz.
Savol: Mijozning o'z brendini yaratish to'g'rimi?
Javob: Ha, biz OEMni qabul qilamiz.

Savol: Yuklash portingiz nima?
Javob: Ningbo porti yoki Shanxay porti, sizning so'rovingiz bo'yicha.

Bepul taklif qiling

Bizning vakilimiz tez orada siz bilan bog'lanadi.
kopmaniya nomi

Bepul taklif qiling

Bizning vakilimiz tez orada siz bilan bog'lanadi.
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