barcha kategoriyalar
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-41

Soyali plole dvigateli

Bosh sahifa >  Mahsulotlar >  Soyali plole dvigateli

Condenser and Evaporator Cooling 10w Condenser Fan Motor Elco Cover Pole Fan Motor Cover Pole Motor Matching Fan

  • O'xshash mahsulotlar



The Condenser and Evaporator Cooling 10w Condenser Fan Motor Elco Cover Pole Fan Motor Cover Pole Motor Matching Fan by is a high-quality and reliable solution for your cooling needs.


This motor is specifically designed for use in condenser and evaporator units, ensuring efficient cooling performance. With a power output of 10w, this motor provides ample power to keep your unit running smoothly and effectively.


The Elco Cover and Pole Fan Motor Cover are designed to provide added protection and durability to the motor, ensuring a longer lifespan and better performance. These covers help shield the motor from dust, debris, and other environmental factors that can affect its performance.


The motor matching fan is another essential FENG YIN component that ensures optimal cooling efficiency. This fan is designed to work seamlessly with the motor, providing maximum airflow and cooling capacity.


FENG YIN is a trusted brand known for its high-quality and durable products. With this Condenser and Evaporator Cooling 10w Condenser Fan Motor, you can trust that you are getting a reliable and efficient solution for your cooling needs.


Whether you are looking to replace an old or faulty motor or are in need of a new cooling solution, this motor is the perfect choice. Easy to install and maintain, this motor is a cost-effective and reliable option for keeping your condenser and evaporator units running smoothly.


The Condenser and Evaporator Cooling 10w Condenser Fan Motor Elco Cover Pole Fan Motor Cover Pole Motor Matching Fan by FENG YIN is a top-quality and reliable solution for cooling applications. With its durable design, efficient performance, and trusted brand name, this motor is sure to meet and exceed your cooling needs. Trust FENG YIN for all your cooling solutions.


Mahsulotlarni tavsiya eting
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-52
Mahsulot nomi
freezer condenser fan motor
Sotishdan keyingi xizmat
Qaytish va almashtirish
2 yil
AM. Harorat
-30 ~ + 50 ° C
muzlatgichlar, muzlatgichlar, vino shkaflari, yangi saqlash uchun shkaflar, radiatorlar, evaporatorlar va boshqa sovutish uskunalari
Aksessuarlar / o'rnatish usuli
qo'llab-quvvatlash, alyuminiy fan pichog'i, plastik fan pichog'i, gardish, to'rli korpus
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-53
Mahsulot tavsifi
1. This series motor has advantages, such as safety, reliability, low noise. little vibration, excellent starting performance, and long service life. 
2. Ushbu seriyali dvigatel muzlatgichlar, muzlatgichlar, vino shkaflari, yangi saqlash shkaflari,
radiatorlar, evaporatorlar va boshqa sovutish uskunalari. 
3. Ushbu seriyali motorning chiqish liniyasi spetsifikatsiyasi va o'lchami "L"
foydalanuvchi talablariga muvofiq ishlab chiqarilishi mumkin

Foydalanish bo'yicha ko'rsatmalar:
S1 ish rejimi
Atrof-muhit harorati: -30 ℃ ~ + 50 ℃
Izolyatsiya darajasi: moslashtirish
Himoya klassi: moslashtirish
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-54
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-55
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-56
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-57
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-58
Paket va etkazib berish
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-59
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-60
Tovarlaringiz xavfsizligini yaxshiroq ta'minlash uchun professional, ekologik toza, qulay va samarali qadoqlash xizmatlari ko'rsatiladi. Gofrirovka qilingan panjara / qabariqdan himoya qilish. Gofrirovka qilingan tashqi paket. Bog'lash uchun kayışlar. PP paketli pallet
Miqdori: 24 dona / 12 dona
Kompaniya Profili
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-61
Hangzhou Fengyin Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 2005 yilda tashkil etilgan bo'lib, Ar-ge va sotishni birlashtirgan. Bizning kompaniyamiz 10000 kvadrat metr maydonni egallaydi. Bizning boy tajribamiz va mehnatsevar va mehnatkash xodimlarimiz bilan biz har xil turdagi mijozlarning turli talablariga javob bera olamiz. Bizning ishlab chiqarish quvvatimiz yiliga 4000000 dona. Biz asosan soyali qutbli motorlar bilan shug'ullanamiz va mahsulotimiz jahon bozorlarida yaxshi sotiladi. Biz har bir partiya/mahsulot uchun sifat nazoratini amalga oshiramiz. Biz sizga xizmat qilish uchun qo'limizdan kelganicha harakat qilamiz va sizning do'stlaringiz va biznes sheriklaringizdan biri bo'lishga umid qilamiz
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-62
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-63
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-64
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-65
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-66
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-67
Nima uchun bizni tanlashimiz kerak
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-68
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-69
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-70
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-71
OEM-haqiqiy zavod
Biz haqiqiy zavodmiz

17+ yillik motorlar ishlab chiqarish tajribasi
yillik ishlab chiqarish 4 million dona
ODM-professional texnik guruh
Sizning har qanday xususiylashtirish ehtiyojlarini qondirish uchun bizda professional texnik guruh mavjud
Harorat ko'tariladi
Haroratning ko'tarilishi xalqaro standart 75K dan past, 55K dan oshmaydi
Chang qoplamalari va termal himoya vositalari
Bizning motorlarimiz chang qoplamalari va termal himoya vositalari bilan jihozlangan bo'lishi mumkin
To'liq aksessuarlar
fan pichoq / qo'llab-quvvatlash / gardish / to'r muhofazasi
past MOQni qo'llab-quvvatlang
low MOQ (100PC)
Bepul namuna
Biz bepul namunalarni taqdim etamiz
Tez etkazib berish
3 kun ichida yetkazib berish
Yaxshi xizmatlar
Zavodga tashrif buyurish uchun keling, to'liq xizmat (aeroportda olib ketish, bepul ovqat)
Cetificates CE & CCC
all certificates are authentic and valid
2 yil kafolat
20000+ ish muddati, 2 yillik kafolat
1. biz kimmiz?
Biz Xitoyning Zhejiang shahrida joylashganmiz, 2007 yildan boshlab, ichki bozorga sotamiz (00.00%). Bizning ofisimizda jami 11-50 kishi bor.

2. sifatni qanday kafolatlashimiz mumkin?
Ommaviy ishlab chiqarishdan oldin har doim ishlab chiqarishdan oldingi namuna;
Yuk tashishdan oldin har doim yakuniy tekshirish;

3. bizdan nimani sotib olishingiz mumkin?
Soyali qutbli dvigatellar, kondanser ventilyatorlari, sovutish ventilyatorlari, muzlatgichlar uchun ventilyatorlar, muzlatgichlar uchun fan motorlari

4. nega bizdan boshqa etkazib beruvchilardan emas, balki sotib olish kerak?
Yuqori sifatli sertifikatlarni tasdiqlash; Professional soyali qutbli vosita, o'z vaqtida yetkazib berish. Raqobatbardosh narx.

5. qanday xizmatlarni taqdim etishimiz mumkin?
Qabul qilingan yetkazib berish shartlari: FOB, CFR, CIF, EXW;
Qabul qilingan to'lov valyutasi: USD, EUR, JPY, SAPR, AUD, HKD, GBP, CNY;
Qabul qilingan to'lov turi: T / T, L / C, PayPal, Western Union, Escrow;
So'zlashadigan til: ingliz, xitoy, ispan
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-72

Bepul taklif qiling

Bizning vakilimiz tez orada siz bilan bog'lanadi.
kopmaniya nomi

Bepul taklif qiling

Bizning vakilimiz tez orada siz bilan bog'lanadi.
kopmaniya nomi