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product china manufacturer 16w ac motor fridge spare parts fan motor shaded pole motor-41

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China Manufacturer 16W AC Motor Fridge Spare Parts Fan Motor Shaded Pole Motor

  • O'xshash mahsulotlar



Introducing the high-quality 16W AC Motor Fridge Spare Parts Fan Motor from China Manufacturer. This Shaded Pole Motor is a must-have for any refrigerator repair or maintenance needs.


With a power output of 16W, this motor is designed to provide reliable and efficient cooling for your fridge. It is perfect for keeping your food fresh and cool without any interruptions. The durable construction ensures long-lasting performance, so you can trust that your fridge will be running smoothly for years to come.


This fan motor is easy to install and compatible with most fridge models. It is a versatile spare part that will save you time and money on expensive repairs or replacements. Simply FENG YIN replace your old motor with this high-quality FENG YIN motor and enjoy a fully functioning fridge again.


The Shaded Pole Motor design is known for its simplicity and reliability. It is a staple in the refrigerator industry for its low cost and high efficiency. This motor is energy-efficient, saving you money on your electricity bills. It operates quietly, so you won't be disturbed by any loud noises coming from your fridge.


Trust in FENG YIN as a reputable China Manufacturer with years of experience in producing top-quality fridge spare parts. Their dedication to customer satisfaction and product excellence ensures that you are getting a reliable and superior product.


Whether you are a DIY enthusiast looking to repair your own fridge or a professional technician in need of spare parts, this 16W AC Motor Fridge Spare Parts Fan Motor is the perfect solution. Keep your fridge running smoothly with this high-performance motor from FENG YIN.


Don't let a faulty fan motor disrupt the cooling process of your fridge. Invest in the best with FENG YIN and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your appliances are in good hands. Order your 16W AC Motor Fridge Spare Parts Fan Motor today and experience the quality and reliability that FENG YIN is known for.


Mahsulotlarni tavsiya eting
product china manufacturer 16w ac motor fridge spare parts fan motor shaded pole motor-50
Mahsulot nomi
kondensatorli fan dvigateli
Sotishdan keyingi xizmat
Qaytish va almashtirish
2 yil
AM. Harorat
-30 ~ + 50 ° C
Blade materiali
Zanglamaydigan po'lat
muzlatgichlar, muzlatgichlar, vino shkaflari, yangi saqlash uchun shkaflar, radiatorlar, evaporatorlar va boshqa sovutish uskunalari
Aksessuarlar / o'rnatish usuli
qo'llab-quvvatlash, alyuminiy fan pichog'i, plastik fan pichog'i, gardish, to'rli korpus
product china manufacturer 16w ac motor fridge spare parts fan motor shaded pole motor-51
Mahsulot ta'rifi:
1. Ushbu seriyali vosita xavfsizlik, ishonchlilik, past shovqin kabi afzalliklarga ega. kichik tebranish, ajoyib boshlash ko'rsatkichi va
uzoq xizmat muddati. 2. Ushbu seriyali dvigatel muzlatgichlar, muzlatgichlar, vino shkaflari, yangi saqlash shkaflari,
radiatorlar, evaporatorlar va boshqa sovutish uskunalari. 3. Ushbu seriyali motorning chiqish liniyasi spetsifikatsiyasi va o'lchami "L"
foydalanuvchi talablariga muvofiq ishlab chiqarilishi mumkin

Foydalanish bo'yicha ko'rsatmalar:
Ishlash tartibi: S1
Atrof-muhit harorati: -30 ℃ ~ + 50 ℃
Izolyatsiya darajasi: moslashtirish
Himoya klassi: moslashtirish
product china manufacturer 16w ac motor fridge spare parts fan motor shaded pole motor-52
product china manufacturer 16w ac motor fridge spare parts fan motor shaded pole motor-53
product china manufacturer 16w ac motor fridge spare parts fan motor shaded pole motor-54
product china manufacturer 16w ac motor fridge spare parts fan motor shaded pole motor-55
product china manufacturer 16w ac motor fridge spare parts fan motor shaded pole motor-56
Paket va etkazib berish
product china manufacturer 16w ac motor fridge spare parts fan motor shaded pole motor-57
product china manufacturer 16w ac motor fridge spare parts fan motor shaded pole motor-58
Tovarlaringiz xavfsizligini yaxshiroq ta'minlash uchun professional, ekologik toza, qulay va samarali qadoqlash xizmatlari ko'rsatiladi
Gofrirovka qilingan panjara / Pufakdan himoya qilish. Gofrirovka qilingan tashqi paket. Bog'lash uchun kayışlar. PP paketli pallet. Miqdori: 24 dona / 12 dona
Kompaniya Profili
product china manufacturer 16w ac motor fridge spare parts fan motor shaded pole motor-59
Hangzhou Fengyin Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was 2005da tashkil etilgan, integrating R&D and sales. Our company covers an area of 10000 square meters. With our abundant experience and industrious and hardworking staff members, we can meet various requirements from different types of customers. Our production capacity amounts to Yiliga 4000000 dona. We are mainly engaged in shaded pole motors, and our products sell well in global markets. We perform quality inspection strictly for each batch / product. We will try our best to serve you and hope to become one of your friends and business partners
product china manufacturer 16w ac motor fridge spare parts fan motor shaded pole motor-60
product china manufacturer 16w ac motor fridge spare parts fan motor shaded pole motor-61
product china manufacturer 16w ac motor fridge spare parts fan motor shaded pole motor-62
product china manufacturer 16w ac motor fridge spare parts fan motor shaded pole motor-63
product china manufacturer 16w ac motor fridge spare parts fan motor shaded pole motor-64
product china manufacturer 16w ac motor fridge spare parts fan motor shaded pole motor-65
Nima uchun bizni tanlashimiz kerak
product china manufacturer 16w ac motor fridge spare parts fan motor shaded pole motor-66
product china manufacturer 16w ac motor fridge spare parts fan motor shaded pole motor-67
product china manufacturer 16w ac motor fridge spare parts fan motor shaded pole motor-68
product china manufacturer 16w ac motor fridge spare parts fan motor shaded pole motor-69
OEM-haqiqiy zavodBiz haqiqiy zavodmiz
17+ yillik motorlar ishlab chiqarish tajribasiyillik ishlab chiqarish 4 million dona
ODM-professional texnik guruhSizning har qanday xususiylashtirish ehtiyojlarini qondirish uchun bizda professional texnik guruh mavjud
Harorat ko'tariladi
Haroratning ko'tarilishi xalqaro standart 75K dan past, 55K dan oshmaydi
Chang qoplamalari va termal himoya vositalari
Bizning motorlarimiz chang qoplamalari va termal himoya vositalari bilan jihozlangan bo'lishi mumkin
To'liq aksessuarlar
fan pichoq / qo'llab-quvvatlash / gardish / to'r muhofazasi
past MOQni qo'llab-quvvatlang
past MOQ (100PC
Bepul namuna
Biz bepul namunalarni taqdim etamiz
Tez etkazib berish
3 kun ichida yetkazib berish
Yaxshi xizmatlar
Zavodga tashrif buyurish, to'liq xizmat ko'rsatish (aeroportda olib ketish, bepul ovqat
Idoralar va CCC, barcha sertifikatlar haqiqiy va haqiqiydir
2 yil kafolat
20000+ ish muddati, 2 yillik kafolat
1. biz kimmiz? Biz Xitoyning Zhejiang shahrida joylashganmiz, 2007 yildan boshlab, motor ishlab chiqarish sohasida 16 yildan ortiq tajribaga egamiz. 2. sifatga qanday kafolat bera olamiz? Ommaviy ishlab chiqarishdan oldin har doim oldindan ishlab chiqarish namunasi; Yuk tashishdan oldin har doim yakuniy tekshirish; 3. bizdan nimani sotib olishingiz mumkin? Soyali qutbli motorlar, kondanser fan motorlari, sovutish ventilyatorlari motorlari, muzlatgichlar uchun ventilyator motorlari, muzlatgichli fan motorlari 4. Nima uchun boshqa yetkazib beruvchilardan emas, bizdan xarid qilishingiz kerak? Yuqori sifatli sertifikatlarni tasdiqlash; Professional soyali qutbli vosita, o'z vaqtida yetkazib berish. Raqobatbardosh narx. 5. qanday xizmatlarni taqdim eta olamiz? Qabul qilingan yetkazib berish shartlari: FOB, CFR, CIF, EXW; Qabul qilingan to'lov valyutasi: USD, CNY; Qabul qilingan to'lov turi: T / T, L / C, PayPal, Western Union, Escrow; So'zlashadigan til: ingliz, xitoy, ispan
product china manufacturer 16w ac motor fridge spare parts fan motor shaded pole motor-70

Bepul taklif qiling

Bizning vakilimiz tez orada siz bilan bog'lanadi.
kopmaniya nomi

Bepul taklif qiling

Bizning vakilimiz tez orada siz bilan bog'lanadi.
kopmaniya nomi