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product high quality refrigerated bakery cabinet display refrigerators cake showcase shaded pole fan motor-41

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The High Quality Refrigerated Bakery Cabinet Display Refrigerators Cake Showcase Shaded Pole Fan Motor is the perfect solution for those looking to showcase delicious baked goods while keeping them at the perfect temperature. FENG YIN, a top brand in refrigeration technology, has crafted this showcase with precision to ensure it meets the highest standards of quality and function.


The bakery cabinet display refrigerator features a shaded pole fan motor that operates silently and effectively. This means you can showcase your cakes and baked goods without disturbing your customers or employees. The motor is designed to last for years, ensuring that you get the most out of your investment.


The display refrigerator is also equipped with a temperature control system that allows you to adjust the temperature to meet your specific needs. This is important because different baked goods require different temperatures, and this showcase is versatile enough to accommodate them all. The temperature display is conveniently located on the outside of the unit, making it easy to monitor and adjust.


FENG YIN's showcase is made with high-quality materials that are designed to withstand the demands of a busy bakery or cafe. The glass doors are tempered and provide a clear view of your delicious treats, while the frame is made of sturdy, durable materials that are built to last. The interior is easy to clean and maintain, ensuring that your showcase always looks its best.


The display refrigerator also features LED lighting, which not only creates a visually appealing display but also saves energy. The LED lights are long-lasting and provide a bright and even light that showcases your products beautifully.


In addition to its impressive features, the FENG YIN’s Refrigerated Bakery Cabinet Display Refrigerators Cake Showcase is also affordable, making it the perfect investment for any bakery or cafe. With its high-quality construction and impressive performance, this showcase is a top choice for businesses that want to showcase their baked goods at their best.


The High Quality Refrigerated Bakery Cabinet Display Refrigerators Cake Showcase Shaded Pole Fan Motor is an excellent investment for businesses looking to showcase their baked goods in a stylish and functional way. With its impressive features and affordable price, the FENG YIN’s showcase is a top choice for any bakery or cafe looking to showcase their delicious treats

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Наше предности
ОЕМ-Права фабрика

Ми смо права фабрика
17+ година искуства у производњи мотора

Годишња производња од 4 милиона јединица
ОДМ-професионални технички тим

Имамо професионални технички тим који ће задовољити све ваше потребе прилагођавања
Пораст температуре

Ниже од међународног стандарда 75К, није више од 55К
Поклопци за прашину и термални штитници

Наши мотори могу бити опремљени поклопцима за прашину и термичким штитницима
Комплетна опрема

Лопатица вентилатора/носач/прирубница/мрежасто кућиште
Подржава низак МОК

Низак МОК 100ПЦ
Бесплатан узорак

Пружамо бесплатне узорке
Брзи узорак

Испорука у року од 3 дана
Лепе услуге
Дођите да посетите фабрику, пуна услуга - преузимање на аеродрому, бесплатни оброци
Лепе услуге
Дођите да посетите фабрику, пуна услуга - преузимање на аеродрому, бесплатни оброци
КСНУМКС година гаранције.
20000+ радни век, 2 године гаранције
product high quality refrigerated bakery cabinet display refrigerators cake showcase shaded pole fan motor-54
Назив производа 
Комерцијални замрзивач Мотор вентилатора са засенченим стубовима 
Класа заштите
Обезбеђена сервисна услуга
Повратак и замена
КСНУМКС година
АМ. Температура
-30 ~ + 50 ° Ц
Материал Бладе
Нерђајући челик
Refrigerators, freezers, wine cabinets, fresh-keeping cabinets, radiators, evaporators, and other refrigeration equipment
Прибор/Начин уградње
Носач, алуминијумска лопатица вентилатора, пластична лопатица вентилатора, прирубница, мрежасто кућиште
product high quality refrigerated bakery cabinet display refrigerators cake showcase shaded pole fan motor-55
Опис производа:
1. This Commercial Freezer Shaded pole fan motor has advantages, such as safety, reliability, low noise. little vibration, excellent starting performance, and long service life.
2. This  Commercial Freezer Shaded pole fan motor is applicable to refrigerators, freezers, wine cabinets, fresh-keeping cabinets, radiators, evaporators, and other refrigeration equipment.
3. This Commercial Freezer Shaded pole fan motor' s outgoing line specification and dimension "L"
may be produced according to the user requirements
Упутство за употребу:
Режим рада: С1
Температура околине: -30 ℃ ~ + 50 ℃
Степен изолације: прилагођавање
Класа заштите: прилагођавање

product high quality refrigerated bakery cabinet display refrigerators cake showcase shaded pole fan motor-56
product high quality refrigerated bakery cabinet display refrigerators cake showcase shaded pole fan motor-57
product high quality refrigerated bakery cabinet display refrigerators cake showcase shaded pole fan motor-58
product high quality refrigerated bakery cabinet display refrigerators cake showcase shaded pole fan motor-59
Паковање и достава
product high quality refrigerated bakery cabinet display refrigerators cake showcase shaded pole fan motor-60
product high quality refrigerated bakery cabinet display refrigerators cake showcase shaded pole fan motor-61
Валовити роштиљ / заштита од мехурића. Спољашњи валовити пакет. Траке за причвршћивање. Палета са ПП врећом
Количина: 24 ком / 12 ком. Нето тежина: 19 кг. Бруто тежина: 20 кг. Димензије: 45 * 34 * 23 цм
Да бисмо боље обезбедили безбедност ваше робе, биће обезбеђене професионалне, еколошки прихватљиве, погодне и ефикасне услуге паковања
профил компаније
product high quality refrigerated bakery cabinet display refrigerators cake showcase shaded pole fan motor-62
 Хангзхоу Фенгиин Мотор Мануфацтуринг Цо., Лтд. је основан 2005. године, интегришући истраживање и развој и продају. Наша компанија покрива површину од 10000 квадратних метара. Са нашим богатим искуством и вредним и вредним особљем, можемо да испунимо различите захтеве различитих типова купаца. Наш производни капацитет износи 4000000 комада годишње. Углавном се бавимо моторима са засјењеним половима, а наши производи се добро продају на глобалним тржиштима. Стриктно вршимо инспекцију квалитета за сваку серију / производ. Потрудићемо се да вам служимо и надамо се да ћемо постати један од ваших пријатеља и пословних партнера
product high quality refrigerated bakery cabinet display refrigerators cake showcase shaded pole fan motor-63
product high quality refrigerated bakery cabinet display refrigerators cake showcase shaded pole fan motor-64
product high quality refrigerated bakery cabinet display refrigerators cake showcase shaded pole fan motor-65
product high quality refrigerated bakery cabinet display refrigerators cake showcase shaded pole fan motor-66
product high quality refrigerated bakery cabinet display refrigerators cake showcase shaded pole fan motor-67
product high quality refrigerated bakery cabinet display refrigerators cake showcase shaded pole fan motor-68
Зашто изабрати нас
product high quality refrigerated bakery cabinet display refrigerators cake showcase shaded pole fan motor-69
product high quality refrigerated bakery cabinet display refrigerators cake showcase shaded pole fan motor-70
product high quality refrigerated bakery cabinet display refrigerators cake showcase shaded pole fan motor-71
product high quality refrigerated bakery cabinet display refrigerators cake showcase shaded pole fan motor-72

Q: Are you a manufacture or trading company? Who are we

A:We are a professional motor manufacture for 17 years. We are based in Zhejiang, China, start from 2007, with more than 17years experience in the field of motor manufacturing
Q2: How can we guarantee quality
О: Увек узорак пре производње пре масовне производње; Увек коначна инспекција пре отпреме;
Q3: what can you buy from us
О: Мотори са засенченим половима, мотори вентилатора кондензатора, мотори вентилатора за хлађење, мотори вентилатора за фрижидере, мотори вентилатора замрзивача
К4. зашто да купујете од нас, а не од других добављача
High quality certificates approval; Professional shaded pole motor, Delivery In Time. Competitive Price
К5. Које услуге можемо да пружимо
Accepted Delivery Terms: FOB, CFR, CIF, EXW; Accepted Payment Currency: USD, CNY;
Accepted Payment Type: T/T, L/C, PayPal, Western Union, Escrow; Language Spoken: English, Chinese, Spanish

 Контактирајте нас

product high quality refrigerated bakery cabinet display refrigerators cake showcase shaded pole fan motor-73

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