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product high performance refrigeration system air conditioner condenser motor ac air cooler elco freezer fan motor shaded pole motor-41

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High Performance Refrigeration System Air Conditioner Condenser Motor AC Air Cooler Elco Freezer Fan Motor Shaded Pole Motor

  • Slični proizvodi

Introducing, the FENG YIN’s High Performance Refrigeration System Air Conditioner Condenser Motor! This durable and efficient AC air cooler fan motor is designed to keep your freezer running smoothly and your air conditioner cooling your space effectively.


With its powerful shaded pole motor, this FENG YIN’s motor is built to last and provide reliable performance for years to come. Whether you need to replace a worn-out motor in your air conditioner or upgrade your existing freezer fan, this motor is the perfect solution.


The FENG YIN’s High Performance Refrigeration System Air Conditioner Condenser Motor is designed with quality and efficiency in mind. It is built to withstand the demands of continuous operation and is sure to keep your appliances running smoothly for long periods of time.


This motor is easy to install and is compatible with a variety of air conditioner and freezer models. It is a versatile and reliable choice for any home or commercial space that requires efficient cooling and refrigeration.


With its high performance and durable construction, the FENG YIN’s motor is a top choice for those looking for a dependable and long-lasting solution to their refrigeration needs. Say goodbye to constantly replacing motors and dealing with inefficient cooling – the FENG YIN motor is here to provide you with the reliable performance you need.


Upgrade your appliances with the FENG YIN’s High Performance Refrigeration System Air Conditioner Condenser Motor today and experience the difference in cooling efficiency and reliability. Trust in the FENG YIN brand for all your refrigeration system needs and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a quality product.


Don't settle for subpar performance when it comes to your refrigeration system – choose the FENG YIN’s High Performance Refrigeration System Air Conditioner Condenser Motor and experience the difference firsthand. Upgrade your appliances with the best in the business and enjoy efficient cooling for years to come

Назив производа
Мотор вентилатора хладњака и замрзивача кондензатора/мотор са засенченим половима
Обезбеђена сервисна услуга
Повратак и замена
КСНУМКС година
Дијелови фрижидера
Хотел, комерцијала, домаћинство
Место порекла
Бранд Наме
Број модела
220-240В, 110-120В
АМ. Температура
-30 ~ + 50 ° Ц
Материал Бладе
Нерђајући челик
Опис производа
product high performance refrigeration system air conditioner condenser motor ac air cooler elco freezer fan motor shaded pole motor-54
product high performance refrigeration system air conditioner condenser motor ac air cooler elco freezer fan motor shaded pole motor-55
product high performance refrigeration system air conditioner condenser motor ac air cooler elco freezer fan motor shaded pole motor-56
product high performance refrigeration system air conditioner condenser motor ac air cooler elco freezer fan motor shaded pole motor-57
product high performance refrigeration system air conditioner condenser motor ac air cooler elco freezer fan motor shaded pole motor-58
product high performance refrigeration system air conditioner condenser motor ac air cooler elco freezer fan motor shaded pole motor-59
product high performance refrigeration system air conditioner condenser motor ac air cooler elco freezer fan motor shaded pole motor-60
Паковање и достава
product high performance refrigeration system air conditioner condenser motor ac air cooler elco freezer fan motor shaded pole motor-61
product high performance refrigeration system air conditioner condenser motor ac air cooler elco freezer fan motor shaded pole motor-62
product high performance refrigeration system air conditioner condenser motor ac air cooler elco freezer fan motor shaded pole motor-63
профил компаније
Основана 2007, Хангзхоу Фенгиин Мотор Мануфацтуринг Цо., Лтд.. is located inXiaoshan district of Hangzhou, Zhejiang
Наша компанија има годишњи производни капацитет од 4000000 микро мотора, and owns the professional team that is engaged in research&development,producing and quality control of micro motors
Производи су добили многе сертификате као што су ЦЦЦ и ЦЕ
product high performance refrigeration system air conditioner condenser motor ac air cooler elco freezer fan motor shaded pole motor-64
product high performance refrigeration system air conditioner condenser motor ac air cooler elco freezer fan motor shaded pole motor-65
product high performance refrigeration system air conditioner condenser motor ac air cooler elco freezer fan motor shaded pole motor-66
product high performance refrigeration system air conditioner condenser motor ac air cooler elco freezer fan motor shaded pole motor-67
product high performance refrigeration system air conditioner condenser motor ac air cooler elco freezer fan motor shaded pole motor-68
product high performance refrigeration system air conditioner condenser motor ac air cooler elco freezer fan motor shaded pole motor-69
product high performance refrigeration system air conditioner condenser motor ac air cooler elco freezer fan motor shaded pole motor-70
product high performance refrigeration system air conditioner condenser motor ac air cooler elco freezer fan motor shaded pole motor-71
product high performance refrigeration system air conditioner condenser motor ac air cooler elco freezer fan motor shaded pole motor-72
product high performance refrigeration system air conditioner condenser motor ac air cooler elco freezer fan motor shaded pole motor-73
product high performance refrigeration system air conditioner condenser motor ac air cooler elco freezer fan motor shaded pole motor-74

1. ко смо ми Налазимо се у Зхејиангу, Кина, почевши од 2007. године, са више од 17 година искуства у области производње мотора 2. како можемо гарантовати квалитет Увек узорак пре производње пре масовне производње; Увек коначна инспекција пре отпреме; 3. шта можете купити од нас Мотори са засенченим половима, мотори вентилатора кондензатора, мотори вентилатора за хлађење, мотори вентилатора за фрижидере, мотори вентилатора замрзивача 4. зашто бисте куповали од нас не од других добављача Одобрење сертификата високог квалитета; Професионални мотор са засенченим половима, испорука на време. Конкурентна цена 5. које услуге можемо да пружимо? Прихваћени услови испоруке: ФОБ, ЦФР, ЦИФ, ЕКСВ; Прихваћена валута плаћања: УСД, ЦНИ; Прихваћени тип плаћања: Т/Т, Л/Ц, ПаиПал, Вестерн Унион, Есцров; Говорни језик: енглески, кинески, шпански

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Наш представник ће вас ускоро контактирати.
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