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product shaded pole motor for commercial bakery pastry food refrigerated cake display case-41

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Shaded Pole Motor for Commercial Bakery Pastry Food Refrigerated Cake Display Case

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Introducing, the FENG YIN’s Shaded Pole Motor for Commercial Bakery Pastry Food Refrigerated Cake Display Case! This powerful and reliable motor is designed to keep your refrigerated display case running smoothly and efficiently, so you can showcase your delicious pastries and cakes to your customers with confidence.


Made with high-quality materials and components, this Shaded Pole Motor is built to last, ensuring long-lasting performance and durability. It is specifically designed for commercial bakery settings, providing the consistent power and torque needed to keep your display case at the optimal temperature for storing and displaying your baked goods

With its compact and lightweight design, installation of the FENG YIN Shaded Pole Motor is quick and easy, saving you time and effort. Its universal mounting bracket allows for versatile placement options, making it adaptable to a variety of display case models and configurations.


The motor operates quietly and efficiently, so you can create a pleasant and inviting atmosphere for your customers without any disruptive noise. Its energy-efficient design helps you save on electricity costs, while still delivering the performance you need to keep your baked goods fresh and appealing.


Whether you run a small bakery or a large commercial kitchen, the FENG YIN’s Shaded Pole Motor is an essential component for maintaining the quality and presentation of your pastries, cakes, and other baked goods. Trust in the FENG YIN brand for superior quality and reliable performance that you can count on.


Don't let a faulty motor disrupt your business operations – upgrade to the FENG YIN’s Shaded Pole Motor for Commercial Bakery Pastry Food Refrigerated Cake Display Case today and experience the difference in performance and reliability. Invest in your business with a motor that is built to last and designed to meet the demands of a busy commercial bakery environment

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Valovita rešetka / Zaščita pred mehurčki
Zunanji paket iz valovitega kartona
Trakovi za pripenjanje
Paleta s PP vrečko
Količina: 24 KOS / 12 KOS
Neto teža: 19 kg
Bruto teža: 20 kg Dimenzija: 45 * 34 * 23 cm
predstavitev podjetja
Podjetje Hangzhou Fengyin Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., ustanovljeno leta 2007 se nahaja v okrožju Xiaoshan v mestu Hangzhou, Zhejiang
Naše podjetje ima letna proizvodna zmogljivost 4000000 mikro motorjev, in ima v lasti strokovno ekipo, ki se ukvarja z raziskavami & razvojem , proizvodnjo in nadzorom kakovosti mikro motorjev
Izdelki so pridobili številne certifikate, kot sta CCC in CE
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product shaded pole motor for commercial bakery pastry food refrigerated cake display case-62
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product shaded pole motor for commercial bakery pastry food refrigerated cake display case-67
product shaded pole motor for commercial bakery pastry food refrigerated cake display case-68
product shaded pole motor for commercial bakery pastry food refrigerated cake display case-69
product shaded pole motor for commercial bakery pastry food refrigerated cake display case-70
Pogosta Vprašanja

V: Ali ste proizvodno ali trgovsko podjetje
O: Smo profesionalni proizvajalec motorjev že 17 let

V: Ali je v redu ustvariti lastno blagovno znamko stranke
O: Da, sprejemamo OEM

V: Kakšno je vaše nakladalno pristanišče
A: pristanišče Ningbo ali pristanišče Šanghaj, kot vaša zahteva

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