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product refrigeration equipment fan motor freezer condenser refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor135-41

Senčen plole motor

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Motor ventilatorja hladilne opreme, zamrzovalnik, kondenzator, motor ventilatorja hladilnika, motor z zasenčenim polom

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Introducing, the FENG YIN’s Refrigeration Equipment Fan Motor, the perfect solution for keeping your freezer, refrigerator, or condenser running smoothly and efficiently. This high-quality Shaded Pole Motor is designed to provide reliable performance for all your cooling needs.


With a powerful motor and durable construction, this fan motor is built to last. It is the ideal replacement for any damaged or worn-out motor in your refrigeration equipment. The FENG YIN brand is known for its superior quality and performance, making it a trusted choice for professionals and consumers alike.


Installing the FENG YIN’s Refrigeration Equipment Fan Motor is quick and easy, thanks to its user-friendly design. Simply replace the old motor with this new one and enjoy the improved performance of your appliance. This motor is designed to work quietly and efficiently, ensuring that your freezer or refrigerator stays cool without any unnecessary noise.


Whether you are a homeowner looking to replace a faulty motor in your home appliance or a professional in the refrigeration industry, the FENG YIN Refrigeration Equipment Fan Motor is the perfect solution. Its versatility and reliability make it a must-have for anyone looking to keep their cooling equipment running smoothly.


In addition to its exceptional performance, the FENG YIN’s Refrigeration Equipment Fan Motor is also energy-efficient, helping you save on your electricity bills. With its impressive cooling power and long-lasting durability, this motor is sure to exceed your expectations.


Don't let a malfunctioning motor disrupt the performance of your freezer, refrigerator, or condenser. Invest in the FENG YIN’s Refrigeration Equipment Fan Motor and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your cooling equipment is in top-notch condition. Trust in the FENG YIN brand for all your refrigeration needs, and experience the difference in quality and performance

Tehnični podatki
ime izdelka
Motor ventilatorja hladilnika, zamrzovalnika, kondenzatorja/motor z zasenčenim polom
Ponudbena storitev po prodaji
Vrnitev in zamenjava
2 let
Deli hladilnika
Hotel, trgovski, gospodinjski
Kraj rojstva
Blagovna znamka
Številka modela
220-240 V, 110-120 V
82 * 82mm
50 / 60HZ
zjutraj Temperatura
-30 ~ + 50 ° C
Material rezila
Nerjaveče jeklo
opis izdelka
product refrigeration equipment fan motor freezer condenser refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor135-54
product refrigeration equipment fan motor freezer condenser refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor135-55
product refrigeration equipment fan motor freezer condenser refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor135-56
product refrigeration equipment fan motor freezer condenser refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor135-57
product refrigeration equipment fan motor freezer condenser refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor135-58
product refrigeration equipment fan motor freezer condenser refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor135-59
product refrigeration equipment fan motor freezer condenser refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor135-60
Pakiranje in dostava
product refrigeration equipment fan motor freezer condenser refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor135-61
product refrigeration equipment fan motor freezer condenser refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor135-62
product refrigeration equipment fan motor freezer condenser refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor135-63
predstavitev podjetja
Podjetje Hangzhou Fengyin Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd, ustanovljeno leta 2007. se nahaja v okrožju Xiaoshan v Hangzhouju, Zhejiang
Naše podjetje ima letna proizvodna zmogljivost 4000000 mikro motorjev, in ima v lasti strokovno ekipo, ki se ukvarja z raziskavami & razvojem, proizvodnjo in nadzorom kakovosti mikro motorjev
Izdelki so pridobili številne certifikate, kot sta CCC in CE
product refrigeration equipment fan motor freezer condenser refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor135-64
product refrigeration equipment fan motor freezer condenser refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor135-65
product refrigeration equipment fan motor freezer condenser refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor135-66
product refrigeration equipment fan motor freezer condenser refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor135-67
product refrigeration equipment fan motor freezer condenser refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor135-68
product refrigeration equipment fan motor freezer condenser refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor135-69
product refrigeration equipment fan motor freezer condenser refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor135-70
product refrigeration equipment fan motor freezer condenser refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor135-71
product refrigeration equipment fan motor freezer condenser refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor135-72
product refrigeration equipment fan motor freezer condenser refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor135-73
product refrigeration equipment fan motor freezer condenser refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor135-74
Pogosta Vprašanja

1. kdo smo. S sedežem v Zhejiangu na Kitajskem, od leta 2007, z več kot 16-letnimi izkušnjami na področju proizvodnje motorjev 2. kako lahko zagotovimo kakovost Vedno predproizvodni vzorec pred množično proizvodnjo; Vedno končni pregled pred pošiljanjem; 3. kaj lahko kupite pri nas Motorji z zasenčenimi drogovi, Motorji ventilatorjev kondenzatorjev, Motorji ventilatorjev za hlajenje, Motorji ventilatorjev za hladilnike, Motorji ventilatorjev zamrzovalnikov 4. zakaj bi morali kupovati pri nas, ne pri drugih dobaviteljih Odobritev certifikatov visoke kakovosti; Profesionalni motor s senčnimi drogovi, pravočasna dobava. Konkurenčna cena 5. katere storitve lahko zagotovimo Sprejeti pogoji dostave: FOB, CFR, CIF, EXW; Valuta sprejetega plačila: USD, CNY; Sprejeta vrsta plačila: T/T, L/C, PayPal, Western Union, Deponirano; Jezik, ki ga govorijo: angleščina, kitajščina, španščina

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