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Senčen plole motor

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High Quality Refrigerated Kitchen Display Cooler case Shaded Pole Motor with Copper/aluminum Wire

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Introducing, the FENG YIN’s High Quality Refrigerated Kitchen Display Cooler with Shaded Pole Motor. This top-of-the-line display case is perfect for keeping your food and beverages cool and fresh while beautifully showcasing them in a stylish manner.


The standout feature of this display cooler is its Shaded Pole Motor, which ensures efficient and reliable cooling performance. This motor is equipped with both copper and aluminum wire for optimal conductivity and durability. This means that your food and drinks will stay at the perfect temperature without any worries of spoilage.


The FENG YIN’s display cooler is designed with high-quality materials to withstand the demands of a busy kitchen environment. The durable construction ensures that this cooler will last for years to come, making it a smart investment for any restaurant, café, or catering business.


In addition to its superior cooling capabilities, this display cooler also boasts a sleek and modern design that will enhance the aesthetics of any kitchen or dining space. The glass doors provide easy access to the contents inside, while the bright LED lighting illuminates the products on display for maximum visibility.


With adjustable shelves, you can customize the layout of the cooler to accommodate different sizes and types of items. This flexibility allows you to showcase a variety of products, from bottled drinks to prepared meals, in an organized and eye-catching manner.


Whether you need to keep your beverages chilled or display your freshly made treats, the FENG YIN’s High Quality Refrigerated Kitchen Display Cooler is the perfect solution. Its reliable cooling capabilities, durable construction, and stylish design make it a must-have for any food service establishment.


Invest in the FENG YIN’s display cooler today and elevate the presentation of your culinary creations while keeping them fresh and ready for customers to enjoy. Experience the difference that high-quality refrigeration can make in your kitchen with FENG YIN

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Valovita rešetka / Zaščita pred mehurčki
Zunanji paket iz valovitega kartona
Trakovi za pripenjanje
Paleta s PP vrečko
Količina: 24 KOS / 12 KOS
Neto teža: 19 kg
Bruto teža: 20 kg Dimenzija: 45 * 34 * 23 cm
predstavitev podjetja
Podjetje Hangzhou Fengyin Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., ustanovljeno leta 2007 se nahaja v okrožju Xiaoshan v mestu Hangzhou, Zhejiang
Naše podjetje ima letna proizvodna zmogljivost 4000000 mikro motorjev, in ima v lasti strokovno ekipo, ki se ukvarja z raziskavami & razvojem , proizvodnjo in nadzorom kakovosti mikro motorjev
Izdelki so pridobili številne certifikate, kot sta CCC in CE
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V: Ali ste proizvodno ali trgovsko podjetje
O: Smo profesionalni proizvajalec motorjev že 17 let

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O: Da, sprejemamo OEM

V: Kakšno je vaše nakladalno pristanišče
A: pristanišče Ningbo ali pristanišče Šanghaj, kot vaša zahteva

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