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product glass door units and door merchandiser horizontal stand up refrigerators and freezers shaded pole fan motors-41

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Glass Door Units and Door Merchandiser Horizontal Stand-up Refrigerators and Freezers Shaded Pole Fan Motors

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Introducing, the FENG YIN’s Glass Door Units and Door Merchandiser Horizontal Stand-up Refrigerators and Freezers with Shaded Pole Fan Motors. This product line is perfect for businesses looking to showcase and store their products in a stylish and functional way.


The Glass Door Units are designed to provide easy visibility of the products inside, making it simple for customers to browse and select items. The sleek design of the glass doors adds a touch of elegance to any space, while the sturdy construction ensures durability for long-term use.


The Door Merchandiser Horizontal Stand-up Refrigerators and Freezers are ideal for businesses that need to keep a large quantity of products cold and easily accessible. With spacious interiors and adjustable shelves, these units can accommodate a variety of items and configurations. The horizontal design is space-saving and allows for easy organization of products.


One of the standout features of these units is the Shaded Pole Fan Motors. These motors are energy-efficient and provide quiet and reliable operation, ensuring that your products stay at the perfect temperature without any disruptions. The motors also help to distribute cold air evenly throughout the unit, preventing hot spots and maintaining consistent temperatures.


The FENG YIN brand is known for its high-quality refrigeration products that are designed to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. With a focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, FENG YIN products are trusted by businesses around the world for their performance and durability.


Whether you are looking to showcase products in a retail setting or store a large quantity of items in a commercial kitchen, the FENG YIN’s Glass Door Units and Door Merchandiser Horizontal Stand-up Refrigerators and Freezers with Shaded Pole Fan Motors are the perfect solution. With their stylish design, spacious interiors, and reliable performance, these units are sure to meet your business needs and exceed your expectations. Upgrade your refrigeration equipment with FENG YIN today and experience the difference in quality and performance

Tehnični podatki
Baker  navijanje oz Aluminij navijanje žice
Zamrzovalnik, hladilnik, omara za svežino itd
220-240 V, 110-120 V
50 / 60HZ
Nazivna moč
Delovna temperatura
-30 ~ + 50 ° C
Razred zaščite
product glass door units and door merchandiser horizontal stand up refrigerators and freezers shaded pole fan motors-48
product glass door units and door merchandiser horizontal stand up refrigerators and freezers shaded pole fan motors-49
product glass door units and door merchandiser horizontal stand up refrigerators and freezers shaded pole fan motors-50
product glass door units and door merchandiser horizontal stand up refrigerators and freezers shaded pole fan motors-51
product glass door units and door merchandiser horizontal stand up refrigerators and freezers shaded pole fan motors-52
product glass door units and door merchandiser horizontal stand up refrigerators and freezers shaded pole fan motors-53
product glass door units and door merchandiser horizontal stand up refrigerators and freezers shaded pole fan motors-54
product glass door units and door merchandiser horizontal stand up refrigerators and freezers shaded pole fan motors-55
Pakiranje in dostava
product glass door units and door merchandiser horizontal stand up refrigerators and freezers shaded pole fan motors-56
product glass door units and door merchandiser horizontal stand up refrigerators and freezers shaded pole fan motors-57
product glass door units and door merchandiser horizontal stand up refrigerators and freezers shaded pole fan motors-58
Valovita rešetka / Zaščita pred mehurčki
Zunanji paket iz valovitega kartona
Trakovi za pripenjanje
Paleta s PP vrečko
Količina: 24 KOS / 12 KOS
Neto teža: 19 kg
Bruto teža: 20 kg Dimenzija: 45 * 34 * 23 cm
predstavitev podjetja
Podjetje Hangzhou Fengyin Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., ustanovljeno leta 2007 se nahaja v okrožju Xiaoshan v mestu Hangzhou, Zhejiang
Naše podjetje ima letna proizvodna zmogljivost 4000000 mikro motorjev, in ima v lasti strokovno ekipo, ki se ukvarja z raziskavami & razvojem , proizvodnjo in nadzorom kakovosti mikro motorjev
Izdelki so pridobili številne certifikate, kot sta CCC in CE
product glass door units and door merchandiser horizontal stand up refrigerators and freezers shaded pole fan motors-59
product glass door units and door merchandiser horizontal stand up refrigerators and freezers shaded pole fan motors-60
product glass door units and door merchandiser horizontal stand up refrigerators and freezers shaded pole fan motors-61
product glass door units and door merchandiser horizontal stand up refrigerators and freezers shaded pole fan motors-62
product glass door units and door merchandiser horizontal stand up refrigerators and freezers shaded pole fan motors-63
product glass door units and door merchandiser horizontal stand up refrigerators and freezers shaded pole fan motors-64
product glass door units and door merchandiser horizontal stand up refrigerators and freezers shaded pole fan motors-65
product glass door units and door merchandiser horizontal stand up refrigerators and freezers shaded pole fan motors-66
product glass door units and door merchandiser horizontal stand up refrigerators and freezers shaded pole fan motors-67
Pogosta Vprašanja
1. kdo smo. S sedežem v Zhejiangu na Kitajskem, od leta 2007, z več kot 16-letnimi izkušnjami na področju proizvodnje motorjev 2. kako lahko zagotovimo kakovost Vedno predproizvodni vzorec pred množično proizvodnjo; Vedno končni pregled pred pošiljanjem; 3. kaj lahko kupite pri nas Motorji z zasenčenimi drogovi, Motorji ventilatorjev kondenzatorjev, Motorji ventilatorjev za hlajenje, Motorji ventilatorjev za hladilnike, Motorji ventilatorjev zamrzovalnikov 4. zakaj bi morali kupovati pri nas, ne pri drugih dobaviteljih Odobritev certifikatov visoke kakovosti; Profesionalni motor s senčnimi drogovi, pravočasna dobava. Konkurenčna cena 5. katere storitve lahko zagotovimo Sprejeti pogoji dostave: FOB, CFR, CIF, EXW; Valuta sprejetega plačila: USD, CNY; Sprejeta vrsta plačila: T/T, L/C, PayPal, Western Union, Deponirano; Jezik, ki ga govorijo: angleščina, kitajščina, španščina

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