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product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade-41

Tienený plole motor

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Hliníková chladiaca čepeľ ventilátora s tieňovaným pólom motora pre čepeľ ventilátora motora kondenzátora chladničky

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Introducing, the FENG YIN’s Shaded Pole Motor Aluminum Fan Cooling Blade for Refrigerator Condenser Motor! This top-of-the-line cooling blade is designed to keep your refrigerator running smoothly and efficiently.


Made from high-quality aluminum, this fan blade is built to last. The sturdy construction ensures that it can withstand the rigors of daily use, while also providing reliable cooling power for your refrigerator condenser motor. With its durable design, you can count on this fan blade to keep your refrigerator operating at its best for years to come.


Not only is this fan blade built to last, but it also delivers powerful cooling performance. The shaded pole motor ensures that the fan runs quietly and efficiently, keeping your refrigerator cool without creating unnecessary noise. This means you can enjoy a quiet and comfortable home environment while also benefiting from superior cooling power.


Installation is a breeze with the FENG YIN’s Shaded Pole Motor Aluminum Fan Cooling Blade. Simply attach the blade to your refrigerator condenser motor and watch as it immediately starts to cool your appliance. The lightweight design makes it easy to handle, while the durable construction ensures that it stays in place once installed.


In addition to its high-quality construction and efficient performance, this fan blade boasts a sleek and modern design. The aluminum finish adds a touch of sophistication to your refrigerator, while the compact size ensures that it fits seamlessly into your appliance. With its stylish appearance and powerful cooling capabilities, this fan blade is sure to enhance the overall look and function of your refrigerator.


The FENG YIN’s Shaded Pole Motor Aluminum Fan Cooling Blade is a must-have accessory for any refrigerator owner. With its durable construction, efficient performance, and stylish design, this fan blade is sure to keep your appliance running smoothly and efficiently for years to come. Upgrade your refrigerator today with the FENG YIN’s Shaded Pole Motor Aluminum Fan Cooling Blade

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meď vinutie resp hliník vinutie drôtu
Mraznička, chladnička, skriňa na uchovávanie čerstvosti atď
Trieda ochrany
IP41 / IP44
Balenie a dodanie
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade-60
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade-61
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade-62
Vlnitý gril / ochrana proti bublinám
Vonkajší obal z vlnitej lepenky
Popruhy na zapínanie
Paleta s PP vakom
Množstvo: 24 KS / 12 KS
Čistá hmotnosť: 19 KGS
Hrubá hmotnosť: 20 kg Rozmery: 45 * 34 * 23 cm
firemný profil
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade-63
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade-64
Spoločnosť Hangzhou Fengyin Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., založená v roku 2007. is located in Xiaoshan district of Hangzhou Zhejiang
Naša spoločnosť má ročná výrobná kapacita 4000000 mikromotorov, and owns the professional team that is engaged in research &development, producing and quality control of micro motors

product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade-65
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade-66
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade-67
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade-68
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade-69
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade-70
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade-71
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade-72

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Odpoveď: Sme profesionálna výroba motorov už 17 rokov

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