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YZF Series Electric Motor Ac Shaded Pole Fan Motor

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Introducing, the FENG YIN’s YZF Series Electric Motor AC Shaded Pole Fan Motor, a high-quality and reliable solution for all your fan motor needs. This powerful motor is designed to provide efficient and smooth operation, making it perfect for a wide range of applications.


The FENG YIN’s YZF Series Electric Motor features a shaded pole design, which helps to reduce noise and vibration while increasing overall performance. This means you can enjoy a quieter and more comfortable environment, no matter where you use this motor. Whether it's in your home, office, workshop, or any other space, this motor will provide the power you need without all the excess noise.


This motor is also incredibly easy to install, thanks to its simple design and durable construction. With its compact size and lightweight build, you can easily mount this motor wherever you need it without any hassle. Plus, with its reliable performance, you can count on this motor to deliver consistent results time and time again.


The FENG YIN’s YZF Series Electric Motor is built to last, with a sturdy construction that can withstand the rigors of daily use. This means you can trust this motor to provide reliable performance for years to come, saving you time and money on repairs or replacements. Plus, with its energy-efficient design, you can enjoy lower energy bills without sacrificing performance.


Whether you need a motor for your ceiling fan, exhaust fan, or any other type of fan, the FENG YIN’s YZF Series Electric Motor is the perfect choice. With its reliable performance, quiet operation, and easy installation, this motor is sure to meet all your needs and exceed your expectations. Upgrade your fan motor today with the FENG YIN’s YZF Series Electric Motor and experience the difference for yourself

Suadeo Products
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Product #
Commercial Freezer fan motor
Post-Sales Service dummodo
Redi et replacement
3 annis
1300 1600rpm,
AM. Temperature
~ LX -30 ° F
ferrum Material
Aliquam Steel
armaria, freezers, repositoria vini, repositoria recentia, radiatores, evaporatores, aliaque refrigerationis instrumenta.
Accessories / Installation modum
Firmamentum, aluminium ventilabrum, lamina plastica ventilabrum, LABIUM, reticulum clausurae
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Product Description:
1. Haec series motoria utilitates habet, ut salus, commendatio, vox humilis. aliquantula vibratio, optimae operationis principium, et longae vitae servitus

2. Haec series motoria applicabilis est ad armarios, freezers, armaria vini, repositoria recentia custodiendi, radiatores, evaporatores, aliaque refrigerandi instrumenta.

3. Haec series lineae specificationis ac dimensionis "L" motoris exeuntis produci potest secundum requisita usoris

Instructio ad usus:
Modus operating S1
Envirmental Temperture:-30℃~+50℃
Nulla Gradus Customization
Praesidium Classis Customization

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Packaging Delivery
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To better ensure the safety of your goods, professional, environmentally friendly, convenient and efficient packaging services will be provided. Corrugated grill / Bubble protection. Corrugated external package. Straps for fasten. Pallet with PP bag
Quantitas: 24 PCS / 12PCS
Turba Profile
product yzf series electric motor ac shaded pole fan motor-63
Hangzhou Fengyin Motor Vestibulum Co, Ltd condita in MMV, integrans R&D et venditio. Societas nostra area 2005 metrorum quadratorum tegit. Cum in abundanti experientia ac industriis et laborantibus membris baculi, variis exigentiis occurrere possumus diversis clientium generibus. Facultas productio nostra ad 10000pcs per annum recidit. Maxime versamur in motoribus polo umbroso, et fructus nostri bene vendunt in mercatis globalibus. Qualitatis inspectionem proprie pro unaquaque batch / producto facimus. Conabimur optimum tibi servire et sperare ut unus e sociis tuis et negotiis tuis fias
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Why Choose Us
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OEM-Verus officinas

Nos sumus verum officinam

17+ annis motoribus experientia

Annua output 4 decies centena

ODM-technica turma

Professional technicam turmam habemus in occursum nulla necessitates tuae customization

temperatus ortum

Temperatura oritur minor quam vexillum internationale 75K, non plus quam 55K

Pulvis tegit & scelerisque praesidia

Nostri motores pulvere tegimenta et praesidia scelerisque instrui possunt

vi perficere

Fan ferrum / auxilium / LABIUM / reticulum clausurae

Suscipe humilis MOQ

Minimum MOQ 100PC

free sample

Liberum exempla praebemus

Velox Delivery

Partus intra XIV dies

grata servicia

Veni ad visitandum officinam, servitutem plenam - exciperent ad aeroportus, liberos cibos


CE & CCC omnes testimoniales authentici et validi sunt

-Annus warantum 2

20000+ vita operantes, 2-annum warantum
1. qui sumus fundamur in Zhejiang, Sinis, ab anno 2007, cum plusquam 17 annorum experientia in agro fabricandi motoriis 2. quomodo praestamus qualitatem Semper antecedens specimen ante massam productionem; Semper finalis metus ante amet; 3. quid emere a nobis potes motoribus poli umbrosis, Condenser Fan Motors, Cooling Fan Motors, Fan Motorum Refrigerators, Freezer Fan Motors 4. cur emisti a nobis non ab aliis praebitoribus Testi- mentorum Qualitatis Excelsi approbationis; Professio adumbrata polus motor, Delivery In Time. Aliquam pretium 5. Quae officia praebere possumus? Termini accepti Delivery: FOB, CFR, CIF, EXW; Accepit Payment Currency:USD, CNY; Type: T/T, L/C, PayPal, Western Union, Escrow; Lingua Latina, Sinica, Hispanica
product yzf series electric motor ac shaded pole fan motor-74

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