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ODM/OEM refrigeration spare parts freezer elco fan motore ac opacum polum motricium

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A company that specializes in producing high-quality ODM/OEM refrigeration spare parts, including freezer elco fan motor and ac shaded pole fan motor. If you're in need of reliable and efficient fan motors for your refrigeration system, FENG YIN's products are the perfect solution.


The freezer elco fan motor is an essential component of any commercial freezer or refrigerated display case. Its main function is to ensure that the cool air circulates properly, keeping the temperature consistent and preventing any spoilage of the stored goods. FENG YIN's freezer elco fan motor is carefully designed and engineered to provide excellent performance and long-lasting durability. With a strong, high-quality FEN YIN motor and precision bearings, this fan motor is built to handle even the toughest conditions.


The ac shaded pole fan motor is another popular product from FENG YIN, which is widely used in commercial and industrial refrigeration systems. This type of motor is known for its simplicity, reliability, and low noise levels. The ac shaded pole fan motor operates on AC power and is available in a range of sizes and speeds to meet different application requirements. FENG YIN's ac shaded pole fan motor is designed to provide excellent efficiency, low power consumption, and minimal maintenance needs.


One of the key benefits of choosing FENG YIN's refrigeration spare parts is that they are all manufactured in compliance with strict quality standards. Every product goes through rigorous testing and inspection procedures to ensure that it meets the highest standards of quality and reliability. This makes FENG YIN's products a reliable choice for anyone looking for dependable refrigeration spare parts that will stand the test of time.


If you're looking for high-quality ODM/OEM refrigeration spare parts, FENG YIN's freezer elco fan motor and ac shaded pole fan motor are excellent choices. With a commitment to quality and a track record of reliability, FENG YIN is a brand you can trust. So why wait? Start upgrading your refrigeration system today with FENG YIN's top-of-the-line fan motors and experience the difference for yourself.


commoda nostra

OEM-Verus officinas

Nos sumus verum officinam

17+ annis motoribus experientia

annual output of 4 million units

ODM-technica turma

Professional technicam turmam habemus in occursum nulla necessitates tuae customization

temperatus ortum

Temperature rise is lower than the international standard 75K, is no more than 55K

Pulvis tegit & scelerisque praesidia

Nostri motores pulvere tegimenta et praesidia scelerisque instrui possunt

vi perficere

fan blade/support/flange/mesh enclosure

support low MOQ

low MOQ (100PC

free sample

Liberum exempla praebemus

delivery within 3 days

delivery within 3 days

grata servicia

Veni ad officinam visitare, plenum officium (excipere ad aeroportus, liberos cibos


CE & CCC, all certificates are authentic and valid

2-annus warantum.

20000+ vita operantes, 2-annum warantum
Lorem Video
oem refrigeration spare parts freezer elco fan motor ac shaded pole fan motor-54
Post-Sales Service dummodo
Redi et replacement
2 annis
1300 1600rpm,
AM. Temperature
~ LX -30 ° F
ferrum Material
Aliquam Steel
armaria, freezers, repositoria vini, repositoria recentia, radiatores, evaporatores, aliaque refrigerationis instrumenta.
Accessories / Installation modum
firmamentum, aluminium ventilabrum, materia plastica ventilabrum, LABIUM, reticulum clausurae
oem refrigeration spare parts freezer elco fan motor ac shaded pole fan motor-55
Product Description:
1. Haec series motoria utilitates habet, ut salus, commendatio, vox humilis. aliquantula vibratio, optimae operationis initium, et
longa vita serviet.
2. This series motor is applicable to refrigerators, freezers, wine cabinets, fresh-keeping cabinets,
radiatores, evaporatores, aliaque refrigerationis instrumenta.
3. This series motor' s outgoing line specification and dimension "L"
produci potest secundum usum usor

Instructio ad usus:
Modus operating S1
Envirmental Temperture:-30℃~+50℃
Nulla Gradus Customization
Praesidium Classis Customization
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oem refrigeration spare parts freezer elco fan motor ac shaded pole fan motor-57
oem refrigeration spare parts freezer elco fan motor ac shaded pole fan motor-58
oem refrigeration spare parts freezer elco fan motor ac shaded pole fan motor-59
oem refrigeration spare parts freezer elco fan motor ac shaded pole fan motor-60
& Sarcina Delivery
oem refrigeration spare parts freezer elco fan motor ac shaded pole fan motor-61
oem refrigeration spare parts freezer elco fan motor ac shaded pole fan motor-62
Ut melius consulatur salus bonorum tuorum, professionales, environmentally- amicae, commodae et efficaces officia packaging providebuntur
Corrugated grill / Bubble protection. Corrugated external package. Straps for fasten. Pallet with PP bag. Quantity: 24 PCS / 12PCS.
Turba Profile
oem refrigeration spare parts freezer elco fan motor ac shaded pole fan motor-63
Hangzhou Fengyin Motor Vestibulum Co, Ltd condita in MMV, integrans R&D et venditio. Societas nostra area 2005 metrorum quadratorum tegit. Cum in abundanti experientia ac industriis et laborantibus membris baculi, variis exigentiis occurrere possumus diversis clientium generibus. Facultas productio nostra ad 10000pcs per annum recidit. Maxime versamur in motoribus polo umbroso, et fructus nostri bene vendunt in mercatis globalibus. Qualitatis inspectionem proprie pro unaquaque batch / producto facimus. Conabimur optimum tibi servire et sperare ut unus e sociis tuis et negotiis tuis fias
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Why Choose Us
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oem refrigeration spare parts freezer elco fan motor ac shaded pole fan motor-73
1. qui sumus? In Zhejiang, Sinis, incipimus a 2007, nitimur, cum plus 17 annorum experimur in agro fabricandi motoriis. 2. Quomodo praestamus qualitatem? Vestibulum semper ante massa, eget consequat massa semper a. Semper finalis metus ante amet; 3. Quid emis a nobis? Motorum poli opacum, Condenser Fan Motors, Refrigerantes Fan Motors, Motorum Fan Refrigerators, Freezer Fan Motors 4. cur a nobis non ab aliis praebitoribus emeris? Qualitas testimoniales approbationis; Professio adumbrata polus motor, Delivery In Time. Auctor Price. 5. Quibus officiis providere possumus? Acceptae Delivery Termini: FOB, CFR, CIF, EXW; Acceptae Payment Currency: USD, CNY; Type: T/T, L/C, PayPal, Western Union, Escrow; Lingua Locuta: Anglica, Sinica, Hispanica
oem refrigeration spare parts freezer elco fan motor ac shaded pole fan motor-74

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