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Fridge Fan Motor Ac Shaded Pole Fan Motor Refrigeration Machine Accessories

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Introducing the Fridge Fan Motor AC Shaded Pole Fan Motor – the ultimate refrigeration machine accessory that will keep your fridge running smoothly and efficiently.


This top-quality fan motor is designed to provide optimal cooling performance for your refrigerator. Whether you have a commercial or residential unit, this motor is perfect for keeping your food fresh and ensuring your fridge maintains the right temperature.


The FENG YIN Fridge Fan Motor is built to last, with a durable construction that can withstand the rigors of daily use. It features a shaded pole design that provides reliable and consistent operation, so you can trust that your fridge will always be at its best.


Installation is a breeze with this fan motor, as it is designed to fit seamlessly into most refrigerator models. Simply follow the easy-to-understand instructions and you'll have FEN YIN your fridge running smoothly in no time.


Not only does the FENG YIN Fridge Fan Motor provide exceptional cooling power, but it also operates quietly, so you won't have to deal with any loud or obnoxious noises while your fridge is running. Say goodbye to annoying hums and buzzes and hello to a peaceful and serene kitchen environment.


With its sleek and compact design, this fan motor won't take up much space in your fridge, leaving you with plenty of room for all your favorite foods and beverages. Plus, its energy-efficient operation will help you save on your electricity bill while reducing your carbon footprint.


Say goodbye to spoiled food and unreliable cooling with the FENG YIN Fridge Fan Motor AC Shaded Pole Fan Motor. Trust in the FENG YIN brand for all your refrigeration needs and enjoy peace of mind knowing your fridge is in good hands.


Don't wait any longer to upgrade your fridge with this top-of-the-line fan motor. Order yours today and experience the difference that a high-quality refrigeration machine accessory can make.


commoda nostra

OEM-Verus officinas

Nos sumus verum officinam

17+ annis motoribus experientia

annua output de IV decies unitates

ODM-technica turma

Professional technicam turmam habemus in occursum nulla necessitates tuae customization

temperatus ortum

Temperatura oritur minor quam vexillum internationale 75K, non plus quam 55K

Pulvis tegit & scelerisque praesidia

Nostri motores pulvere tegimenta et praesidia scelerisque instrui possunt

vi perficere

fan ferrum / auxilium / LABIUM / reticulum clausurae

humilis support MOQ

humilis MOQ (100PC

free sample

Liberum exempla praebemus

Velox sample

partus intra III dies

grata servicia

Veni ad officinam visitare, plenum officium (excipere ad aeroportus, liberos cibos


CE & CCC omnes testimoniales authentici et validi sunt

-Annus warantum 2

20000+ vita operantes, 2-annum warantum
Lorem Video
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Post-Sales Service dummodo
Redi et replacement
2 annis
1300 1600rpm,
AM. Temperature
~ LX -30 ° F
ferrum Material
Aliquam Steel
armaria, freezers, repositoria vini, repositoria recentia, radiatores, evaporatores, aliaque refrigerationis instrumenta.
Accessories / Installation modum
firmamentum, aluminium ventilabrum, materia plastica ventilabrum, LABIUM, reticulum clausurae
product fridge fan motor ac shaded pole fan motor refrigeration machine accessories-55
Product Description:
1. Haec series motoria utilitates habet, ut salus, commendatio, vox humilis. aliquantula vibratio, optimae operationis initium, et
longa vita serviet.
2. Haec series motoris applicabilis est ad armarios, constringendos, repositoria vini, repositoria recentia custodienda;
radiatores, evaporatores, aliaque refrigerationis instrumenta.
3. Haec series lineae specificationis ac dimensionis motoris exeuntis "L"
produci potest secundum usum usor

Instructio ad usus:
Modus operating S1
Envirmental Temperture:-30℃~+50℃
Nulla Gradus Customization
Praesidium Classis Customization
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product fridge fan motor ac shaded pole fan motor refrigeration machine accessories-57
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& Sarcina Delivery
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product fridge fan motor ac shaded pole fan motor refrigeration machine accessories-62
Ut melius consulatur salus bonorum tuorum, professionales, environmentally- amicae, commodae et efficaces officia packaging providebuntur
Corrugated cratis / Bulla protectio. Involucrum externum corruptum. Vincula pro cingulo. Pallet cum PP sacco. Quantitas: 24 PCS / 12PCS
Turba Profile
product fridge fan motor ac shaded pole fan motor refrigeration machine accessories-63
Hangzhou Fengyin Motor Vestibulum Co, Ltd condita in MMV, integrans R&D et venditio. Societas nostra area 2005 metrorum quadratorum tegit. Cum in abundanti experientia ac industriis et laborantibus membris baculi, variis exigentiis occurrere possumus diversis clientium generibus. Facultas productio nostra ad 10000pcs per annum recidit. Maxime versamur in motoribus polo umbroso, et fructus nostri bene vendunt in mercatis globalibus. Qualitatis inspectionem proprie pro unaquaque batch / producto facimus. Conabimur optimum tibi servire et sperare ut unus e sociis tuis et negotiis tuis fias
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Why Choose Us
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1. qui sumus? In Zhejiang, Sinis, incipimus a 2007, nitimur, cum plus 17 annorum experimur in agro fabricandi motoriis. 2. Quomodo praestamus qualitatem? Vestibulum semper ante massa, eget consequat massa semper a. Semper finalis metus ante amet; 3. Quid emis a nobis? Motorum poli opacum, Condenser Fan Motors, Refrigerantes Fan Motors, Motorum Fan Refrigerators, Freezer Fan Motors 4. cur a nobis non ab aliis praebitoribus emeris? Qualitas testimoniales approbationis; Professio adumbrata polus motor, Delivery In Time. Auctor Price. 5. Quibus officiis providere possumus? Acceptae Delivery Termini: FOB, CFR, CIF, EXW; Acceptae Payment Currency: USD, CNY; Type: T/T, L/C, PayPal, Western Union, Escrow; Lingua Locuta: Anglica, Sinica, Hispanica
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