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Condenser and Evaporator Cooling 10w Condenser Fan Motor Elco Cover Pole Fan Motor Cover Pole Motor Matching Fan

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The Condenser and Evaporator Cooling 10w Condenser Fan Motor Elco Cover Pole Fan Motor Cover Pole Motor Matching Fan by is a high-quality and reliable solution for your cooling needs.


This motor is specifically designed for use in condenser and evaporator units, ensuring efficient cooling performance. With a power output of 10w, this motor provides ample power to keep your unit running smoothly and effectively.


The Elco Cover and Pole Fan Motor Cover are designed to provide added protection and durability to the motor, ensuring a longer lifespan and better performance. These covers help shield the motor from dust, debris, and other environmental factors that can affect its performance.


The motor matching fan is another essential FEN YIN component that ensures optimal cooling efficiency. This fan is designed to work seamlessly with the motor, providing maximum airflow and cooling capacity.


FENG YIN is a trusted brand known for its high-quality and durable products. With this Condenser and Evaporator Cooling 10w Condenser Fan Motor, you can trust that you are getting a reliable and efficient solution for your cooling needs.


Whether you are looking to replace an old or faulty motor or are in need of a new cooling solution, this motor is the perfect choice. Easy to install and maintain, this motor is a cost-effective and reliable option for keeping your condenser and evaporator units running smoothly.


The Condenser and Evaporator Cooling 10w Condenser Fan Motor Elco Cover Pole Fan Motor Cover Pole Motor Matching Fan by FENG YIN is a top-quality and reliable solution for cooling applications. With its durable design, efficient performance, and trusted brand name, this motor is sure to meet and exceed your cooling needs. Trust FENG YIN for all your cooling solutions.


Suadeo Products
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-52
Product #
freezer condenser fan motor
Post-Sales Service dummodo
Redi et replacement
2 annis
1300 1600rpm,
AM. Temperature
~ LX -30 ° F
armaria, freezers, repositoria vini, repositoria recentia, radiatores, evaporatores, aliaque refrigerationis instrumenta.
Accessories / Installation modum
firmamentum, aluminium ventilabrum, materia plastica ventilabrum, LABIUM, reticulum clausurae
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-53
depictio producti
1. This series motor has advantages, such as safety, reliability, low noise. little vibration, excellent starting performance, and long service life. 
2. Haec series motoris applicabilis est ad armarios, constringendos, repositoria vini, repositoria recentia custodienda;
radiatores, evaporatores, aliaque refrigerationis instrumenta. 
3. Haec series lineae specificationis ac dimensionis motoris exeuntis "L"
produci potest secundum usum usor

Instructio ad usus:
Operating Mode S1
Envirmental Temperture:-30℃~+50℃
Nulla Gradus Customization
Praesidium Classis Customization
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-54
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-55
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-56
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-57
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-58
& Sarcina Delivery
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-59
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-60
Ut melius consulatur salus bonorum tuorum, professionales, environmentally- amicae, opportunae et efficaces officia sarcinae praebebuntur. Corrugated cratis / Bulla protectio. Involucrum externum corruptum. Vincula pro cingulo. Pallet cum PP pera
Quantitas: 24 PCS / 12PCS
Turba Profile
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-61
Hangzhou Fengyin Motor Vestibulum Co, Ltd condita in MMV, integrans R&D et venditio. Societas nostra area 2005 metrorum quadratorum tegit. Cum in abundanti experientia ac industriis et laborantibus membris baculi, variis exigentiis occurrere possumus diversis clientium generibus. Facultas productio nostra ad 10000pcs per annum recidit. Maxime versamur in motoribus polo umbroso, et fructus nostri bene vendunt in mercatis globalibus. Qualitatis inspectionem proprie pro unaquaque batch / producto facimus. Conabimur optimum tibi servire et sperare ut unus e sociis tuis et negotiis tuis fias
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-62
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-63
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-64
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-65
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-66
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-67
Why Choose Us
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-68
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-69
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-70
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-71
OEM-Verus officinas
Nos sumus verum officinam

17+ annis motoribus experientia
annua output de IV decies unitates
ODM-technica turma
Professional technicam turmam habemus in occursum nulla necessitates tuae customization
temperatus ortum
Temperatura oritur minor quam vexillum internationale 75K, non plus quam 55K
Pulvis tegit & scelerisque praesidia
Nostri motores pulvere tegimenta et praesidia scelerisque instrui possunt
vi perficere
fan ferrum / auxilium / LABIUM / reticulum clausurae
humilis support MOQ
low MOQ (100PC)
free sample
Liberum exempla praebemus
Velox Delivery
partus intra III dies
grata servicia
Veni ad officinam visitare, plenum officium (excipere ad aeroportus, liberos cibos)
Cetificates CE & CCC
all certificates are authentic and valid
-Annus warantum 2
20000+ vita operantes, 2-annum warantum
1. Qui sumus?
Fundamur in Zhejiang, Sinis, ab anno 2007, in mercatu Domestico (00.00%) vende. In officio nostro sunt totales circiter 11-50 homines.

2. Quomodo autem praestet species?
Praeclarum specimen quam semper massa productio efficientiam;
Ante sit amet metus semper finalem;

3. Quid emis a nobis?
Adumbrata Pole Motors, Condenser Fan Motors, Cooling Fan Motors, Fan Motors Nam Refrigerators, Freezer Fan Motors

4. quid sit tibi emere a nobis et non ab aliis victuarios?
Qualitas testimoniales approbationis; Professio adumbrata polus motor, Delivery In Time. Auctor Price.

5. Quid possumus officiis providere?
Acceptae Delivery Termini: FOB, CFR, CIF, EXW;
Acceptae Payment Currency: USD, EUR, JPY, CAD, AUD, HKD, GBP, CNY;
Type: T/T, L/C, PayPal, Western Union, Escrow;
Lingua Locuta: Anglica, Sinica, Hispanica
product condenser and evaporator cooling 10w condenser fan motor elco cover  pole fan motor cover pole motor matching fan-72

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