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product refrigeration system air conditioner condenser freezer motor ac air cooler elco refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor-41

Көлөкөлүү мотор

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Муздаткыч системасы Кондиционер Конденсатордук тоңдургуч мотору AC аба муздаткычы Elco муздаткыч желдеткич мотору көлөкөлүү уюлдук мотор

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Introducing, the FENG YIN’s Refrigeration System Air Conditioner Condenser Freezer Motor AC Air Cooler Elco Refrigerator Fan Motor Shaded Pole Motor. This high-quality motor is designed to keep your appliances running smoothly and efficiently.


The FENG YIN motor is perfect for a variety of appliances including refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, and coolers. Its durable construction ensures that it can withstand the demands of daily use for years to come.


This motor features a shaded pole design, which provides reliable and consistent performance. The fan motor is designed to operate quietly and efficiently, making it perfect for use in residential or commercial settings.


The FENG YIN motor is easy to install and compatible with a wide range of appliances. Its compact size makes it ideal for use in tight spaces, while its powerful performance ensures that your appliance stays cool and running smoothly.


Whether you're in need of a replacement motor or looking to upgrade your current appliance, the FENG YIN’s Refrigeration System Air Conditioner Condenser Freezer Motor AC Air Cooler Elco Refrigerator Fan Motor Shaded Pole Motor is the perfect choice. Trust in the FENG YIN brand for reliable and high-quality motors that will keep your appliances running smoothly for years to come.


Don't let a faulty motor disrupt your daily routine. Invest in the FENG YIN’s Refrigeration System Air Conditioner Condenser Freezer Motor AC Air Cooler Elco Refrigerator Fan Motor Shaded Pole Motor and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your appliances are in good hands. Experience the difference that a high-quality motor can make in the performance of your appliances. Upgrade to the FENG YIN motor today and enjoy reliable and efficient operation for years to come

продукт Name
Refrigerator Freezer Fan Shaded Pole Motor
Cooler Equipment
Номиналдык кубат
60Hz, 50/60Hz
Environment температура
-30 ~ + 50 ° C
продукт Description
product refrigeration system air conditioner condenser freezer motor ac air cooler elco refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor-54
product refrigeration system air conditioner condenser freezer motor ac air cooler elco refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor-55
product refrigeration system air conditioner condenser freezer motor ac air cooler elco refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor-56
product refrigeration system air conditioner condenser freezer motor ac air cooler elco refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor-57
product refrigeration system air conditioner condenser freezer motor ac air cooler elco refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor-58
product refrigeration system air conditioner condenser freezer motor ac air cooler elco refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor-59
product refrigeration system air conditioner condenser freezer motor ac air cooler elco refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor-60
product refrigeration system air conditioner condenser freezer motor ac air cooler elco refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor-61
Таңгактоо жана жеткирүү
product refrigeration system air conditioner condenser freezer motor ac air cooler elco refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor-62
product refrigeration system air conditioner condenser freezer motor ac air cooler elco refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor-63
product refrigeration system air conditioner condenser freezer motor ac air cooler elco refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor-64
компания кароо
2007-жылы түзүлгөн, Hanzhou Fengyin Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. жайгашкан
Xiaoshan district of Hangzhou, Zhejiang
Биздин компания бар жылдык өндүрүштүк кубаттуулугу 4000000 микро мотор, and owns the
professional team that is engaged in research&development, producing and quality control of micro motors
Продукциялар CCC жана CE сыяктуу көптөгөн сертификаттарга ээ
product refrigeration system air conditioner condenser freezer motor ac air cooler elco refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor-65
product refrigeration system air conditioner condenser freezer motor ac air cooler elco refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor-66
product refrigeration system air conditioner condenser freezer motor ac air cooler elco refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor-67
product refrigeration system air conditioner condenser freezer motor ac air cooler elco refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor-68
product refrigeration system air conditioner condenser freezer motor ac air cooler elco refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor-69
product refrigeration system air conditioner condenser freezer motor ac air cooler elco refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor-70
product refrigeration system air conditioner condenser freezer motor ac air cooler elco refrigerator fan motor shaded pole motor-71
С: Сиз өндүрүш же соода компаниясызбы

A: Биз 17 жылдан бери кесиптик мотор өндүрүү болуп саналат

С: Кардардын өз брендин жасоо туурабы?

Ж: Ооба, биз OEM кабыл алабыз

С: Сиздин жүктөө портуңуз кандай
A: Ningbo порту же Шанхай порту, сиздин сурооңуз боюнча

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