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product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade292-41

Stínovaný plole motor

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Stínovaný pólový motor Hliníková chladicí lopatka ventilátoru pro lopatku ventilátoru motoru kondenzátoru chladničky

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Introducing the Shaded Pole Motor Aluminum Fan Cooling Blade for Refrigerator Condenser Motor Fan Blade, a

This fan blade is made from high-quality aluminum, ensuring durability and longevity. The material is not only lightweight but also resistant to rust and corrosion, making it ideal for use in a refrigerator condenser motor. The fan blade is carefully crafted to provide optimal cooling performance, helping to regulate the temperature inside your refrigerator and prevent overheating.


The FENG YIN fan blade is designed to fit seamlessly into your existing motor, making it easy to install and replace. Its shaded pole motor design ensures reliable and consistent performance, delivering a steady stream of cool air to keep your refrigerator running at its best. With this FENG YIN fan blade, you can say goodbye to noisy and inefficient cooling systems, as it operates quietly and efficiently to keep your food fresh and your refrigerator running smoothly.


Whether you are looking to replace an old or damaged fan blade or simply want to upgrade to a more reliable and efficient option, the FENG YIN Shaded Pole Motor Aluminum Fan Cooling Blade is the perfect choice. Its durable construction and superior performance make it an essential addition to any refrigerator condenser motor.


In addition to its exceptional quality and performance, the FENG YIN fan blade is also affordably priced, making it a cost-effective solution for your cooling needs. With this fan blade, you can rest assured that your refrigerator will continue to run efficiently and effectively for years to come.


Don't settle for subpar cooling performance – invest in the FENG YIN Shaded Pole Motor Aluminum Fan Cooling Blade for Refrigerator Condenser Motor Fan Blade today and enjoy a cooler, quieter, and more efficient refrigerator experience.


popis produktu
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade292-54
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade292-55
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade292-56
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade292-57
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade292-58
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade292-59
Měď  vinutí popř hliník vinutí drátu
editaci videa
Mrazák, lednička, skříň na uchovávání čerstvého vzduchu atd
Třída ochrany
Balení a dodání
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade292-60
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade292-61
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade292-62
Vlnitý gril / ochrana proti bublinám
Vnější obal z vlnité lepenky
Popruhy na upevnění
Paleta s PP sáčkem
Množství: 24 KS / 12 KS
Čistá hmotnost: 19KGS
Hrubá hmotnost: 20 kg Rozměry: 45 * 34 * 23 cm
Profil společnosti
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade292-63
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade292-64
Společnost Hangzhou Fengyin Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. byla založena v roce 2007. is located in Xiaoshan district of Hangzhou(Zhejiang).
Naše společnost má roční výrobní kapacita 4000000 mikromotorů, and owns the professional team that is engaged in research &development,producing and quality control of micro motors.

product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade292-65
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade292-66
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade292-67
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade292-68
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade292-69
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade292-70
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade292-71
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade292-72
Nejčastější dotazy

Otázka: Jste výrobní nebo obchodní společnost?
A: Jsme profesionální výrobce motorů již 17 let.
Otázka: Je v pořádku vytvořit si vlastní značku zákazníka?
Odpověď: Ano, přijímáme OEM.

Otázka: Jaký je váš nakládací port
Odpověď: Přístav Ningbo nebo přístav Šanghaj, podle vašeho požadavku.

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