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product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade966-41

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Soyuducu Kondensator Motoru Fan Bıçağı üçün kölgəli Dirək Motoru Alüminium Fan Soyutma Bıçağı

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Introducing, the FENG YIN’s Shaded Pole Motor Aluminum Fan Cooling Blade for Refrigerator Condenser Motor Fan Blade! This high-quality product is designed to keep your refrigerator running smoothly and efficiently.


Made with durable aluminum, the fan cooling blade is built to last. It is specifically designed for refrigerator condenser motor fan blades, making it the perfect replacement part for any worn-out or damaged blades.


The FENG YIN’s fan blade is easy to install, with a universal fit that is compatible with a wide range of refrigerator models. Simply remove the old fan blade and replace it with this new one to restore optimal cooling performance.


This fan blade is designed with efficiency in mind. The shaded pole motor helps to regulate the speed of the fan, ensuring that your refrigerator stays cool without wasting excess energy. This will not only help your refrigerator run more efficiently, but it can also help save on your energy bills.


In addition to its practical benefits, the FENG YIN’s fan blade is also sleek and modern in design. The aluminum construction gives it a polished look that will complement the aesthetic of your refrigerator.


Whether you are a DIY enthusiast looking to tackle a home repair project or a professional in need of replacement parts, the FENG YIN’s fan cooling blade is a reliable choice that will get the job done right.


Don't let a worn-out fan blade compromise the performance of your refrigerator. Upgrade to the FENG YIN’s Shaded Pole Motor Aluminum Fan Cooling Blade for Refrigerator Condenser Motor Fan Blade today and enjoy a cooler, more efficient appliance in no time. Trust FENG YIN for durable, high-quality products that are designed to last

Product Description
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade966-54
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade966-55
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade966-56
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade966-57
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade966-58
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade966-59
Mis  dolama və ya Alüminium tel sarma
Dondurucu, soyuducu, təzə saxlama şkafı və s
Müdafiə Class
Qablaşdırma və Çatdırılma
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade966-60
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade966-61
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade966-62
Oluklu qril / Bubble qorunması
Oluklu xarici paket
Bağlamaq üçün qayışlar
PP torba ilə palet
Miqdar: 24 əd. / 12 əd
Net çəki: 19KGS
Ümumi çəki: 20KGS Ölçü: 45*34*23 sm
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade966-63
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade966-64
2007-ci ildə yaradılmışdır,Hangzhou Fengyin Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is located in Xiaoshan district of Hangzho, Zhejiang
Şirkətimizdə var illik istehsal gücü 4000000 mikro mühərrik, və mikro mühərriklərin tədqiqatı, inkişafı, istehsalı və keyfiyyətinə nəzarət ilə məşğul olan peşəkar komandaya sahibdir.

product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade966-65
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade966-66
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade966-67
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade966-68
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade966-69
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade966-70
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade966-71
product shaded pole motor aluminum fan cooling blade for refrigerator condenser motor fan blade966-72

S: Siz istehsal və ya ticarət şirkətisiniz
A: Biz 17 ildir peşəkar motor istehsalçısıyıq

S: Müştərinin öz brendini yaratmaq yaxşıdırmı?
A: Bəli, biz OEM qəbul edirik

S: Yükləmə portunuz nədir
A: Ningbo limanı və ya Şanxay limanı, istəyiniz kimi

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